Fine Arts Academy 2024-2025

music • visual art • dance/creative movement
One way we're different is that Trinity provides dedicated preschool music classes and art classes, right here at our school. Whether you enroll your preschooler in our fine arts academy as a standalone experience, or as part of your child's existing program here, your child will get an important developmental boost that will carry them throughout their life.
Previously known as KAFA and a children's outreach program offered through King's Grant Presbyterian Church, King's Academy of Fine Arts is now a part of Trinity Preschool and known as the "Fine Arts Day."
For children ages 3-5
Must be potty trained
Mondays 9AM-12:15PM
more about our preschool fine arts program

We believe that fine arts experiences like music, visual arts, and movement are a wonderful tool for learning and allow students different sensory and social experiences that impact both their learning and social skills.

While music, art, and movement are incorporated into the daily activities of the M-W classes, the Fine Arts Day puts an emphasis on allowing children to explore more of these areas with teachers who have specific backgrounds in these special interest areas.

FAD brings children together with experienced teachers who are committed to teaching children through Fine Arts and is designed to provide children with learning experiences through Fine Arts during early childhood. Fine Arts Day takes place on Mondays for the 3 & 4 year-old classes.